Upcoming Events
Follow Us ![]()
The exhibition Follow Us introduces selected works by new and emerging designers, recently arrived on the scene. The designers have all attracted attention and excitement for their early works, each in their own field.
July - August 2021
Location: Hljómskálagarður, Downtown City Park
Dates: TBD
Please follow @mannyrkja for further
information or our chech our FB page
To Plant Oneself
A workshop based on building a plant relationships at the Human Expansion Station in Reykjavik. Funded by the Summer City project an Reykjavík City initiative to support events and projects in the downtown area.
Expansion Tours
Guided tours through Árbær (residential neighborhood) in Reykjavik City. Funded by Árbær district committee. The tours goal is to promote plant based consciousness.
In search of plants
Guided tour through the Reykjanes Peninsula, the trip is a part of Plöntutið a performance festival for exploring theatre outside of the human centered perspective. The project is commisioned and funded by the festival.
Care & Good Advice - First Steps (work in progress)
Performative lecture about growing your inner plant. Costumer service advisors of the Human Expansion Station give tips and introduce effective practises for plant-guided improvements. The lecture will be performed at Lókal an annual performance festival held in Reykjavik. The festival funds, hosts and promotes the project.