The project is based on audience participation and activation. Where participants engage in Plant Becoming Excersises that provide resonating opportunities. Our methodology is still being shaped and is a continues exploration. Where we acknowledge the blurriness of the nature-human boundaries.
Those excersises where built on performative and embodied practises. They include the sences, the voice and movement.
Eyes and more
Usually when entering nature or engaging with the wild we rely on our visual experience. By closing our eyes, touching the surfaces, smelling them, tasting them we might promote a different moment that might be more powerful.
Voicing a landscape
By facilitating voice and singing excercises we try to engage with plants and landscapes through our voice. Singing with others and resonating with our environment through sound. Promoting a feeling of togeatherness and stepping outside of the comfort zone.
Props and costumes
A theatrical production will navigate an array of tools in order to deepen a moment, engage with the audience through movement, music, dance, sets, props and costumes. In a similar manner we use props and costumes to further engage participants to heigten the likelyhood of creating a connection. This also plays a role in scripting excercises and elements within them.
An attempt to mobilize participants in diverse contexts towards self-understanding and empathy; seeing the world from a plant perspective.
This text is not a complete - it is an attempt at transcriping some of the key elements we have engaged with in order to continue our exploration.
Those excersises where built on performative and embodied practises. They include the sences, the voice and movement.
Eyes and more
Usually when entering nature or engaging with the wild we rely on our visual experience. By closing our eyes, touching the surfaces, smelling them, tasting them we might promote a different moment that might be more powerful.
Voicing a landscape
By facilitating voice and singing excercises we try to engage with plants and landscapes through our voice. Singing with others and resonating with our environment through sound. Promoting a feeling of togeatherness and stepping outside of the comfort zone.
Props and costumes
A theatrical production will navigate an array of tools in order to deepen a moment, engage with the audience through movement, music, dance, sets, props and costumes. In a similar manner we use props and costumes to further engage participants to heigten the likelyhood of creating a connection. This also plays a role in scripting excercises and elements within them.
An attempt to mobilize participants in diverse contexts towards self-understanding and empathy; seeing the world from a plant perspective.
This text is not a complete - it is an attempt at transcriping some of the key elements we have engaged with in order to continue our exploration.