
Plant becoming project started as a collabortative thought experiment on nonhuman embodyment by designer Búi Bjarmar Aðalsteinsson and performance artist Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir. Focusing on it’s practical elements, trying to answer questions such as:

How would a rose behave in a grocery store?
What would a plant do if it got stuck in traffic?
What kind of education would be needed in order to represent a plant perspective?

These questions highlight a common interest that is the actualisation of more-than-human ideology in the context of the everyday. Embracing the mundane as an exciting avenue of exploration. These interests coinside with a drive to promote
selfcare, care for one another and the environment. The result was the formation of Mannyrkjustöðin (Plant Becoming Project). Officialy founded in May of 2020.