Exercise nr. 21-22
April 2021
Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland.
Búi Bjarmar Aðalsteinsson
Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir
Ragnar Ísleifur Bragason
April 2021
Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland.
Búi Bjarmar Aðalsteinsson
Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir
Ragnar Ísleifur Bragason
In preperation for upcoming guided tours, the group explored landscapes around the Reykjanes Peninsula. This area of Iceland is better known for its lack of vegetation then abundance. Often referred to as a wasteland in sea’s embrace. Though not apperant at first, plants can be found there - You just might need to look closer.
The performance artist and actor Ragnar Ísleifur Bragason joined us on the trip as he will be a bus driver once the trip takes place. Further information about upcoming events can be found here.
The performance artist and actor Ragnar Ísleifur Bragason joined us on the trip as he will be a bus driver once the trip takes place. Further information about upcoming events can be found here.