Exercise nr. 20
Mars - April 2021

Various, Iceland

Participants: 6

As a part of the research, several intriguing people where interviewed. The selection was driven by intuition rather than a protocol, but all of them related to our explorations in one way or the other. Some where involved in exploring new perspectives whereas others specialised in the field of botany. Bellow is a list of participants that contributed:

Andrea Elín Vilhjálmsdóttir
Dramaturg, producer and curator. Currently directs a performance festival focusing on more than human perspectives called Plöntutíð. Her works have focused on topics of inclusivity and environmentalism through performative practices.

Garðar Eyjólfsson 
Designer. Associate professor in design at the University of the Arts in Iceland. His works have focused on narration of alternative perspectives through a variety of mediums.

Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir 
Environmental philosopher. Assistant professor in the Department of Arts Education at the University of the Arts in Iceland. Guðbjörg’s research interests include environmental aesthetics, environmental ethics, phenomenology, sensuous knowledge, embodiment, perception, landscape, interdisciplinary practices and participatory practices.

Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir
Professor of philosophy at the University of Iceland. Sigríður’s research interests include transformation within the field of philosophy in light of feminist knowleged through embodied philosophical thinking (Eugene Gendlin).

Þóra Ellen Þórhallsdóttir
Professor of biology (botany) at the Unversity of Iceland. Focuses on plant ecology and succession of plants in glacial environments.